In The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle introduces the idea of connecting with the “Inner Body” as a way to feel calmer and more present in everyday life. While it might sound strange to some, it’s simply about tuning in to the subtle sensations that most of us never bother to notice. This practice helps shift our focus away from overthinking and brings us back to the here and now, where life is actually happening.
How does this work?
To connect with your Inner Body, start by finding a quiet place where you can sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths. Focus your attention on a specific part of your body, like your hands or feet. Can you feel tingling, warmth, or a sense of energy there? Don't overthink this or analyze what you’re doing—just feel and focus your attention on whatever sensation is there. Also, be still. See if you can feel your fingers while keeping them completely still. Can you sense where they begin and end? Can you feel them vibrating with energy? Stay with that feeling for a few moments, letting your awareness rest on it. See if it doesn't spread out a little bit, even. Maybe to the back of your hand, or your wrist.
If you continue to practice Inner Body awareness over time, you might find your awareness expanding to include other parts of your body—your arms, legs, chest, and so on—until you feel connected to your whole body as one unified presence. If your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to the sensations in your body.
This practice isn’t about simple sensory pleasure, or escaping from problems, but opening yourself to a new way of being. When you’re connected to your body in this way, you’re less likely to get stuck in overthinking or reacting impulsively. Less likely to experience anxiety or depression or intrusive thoughts. It gives you the freedom to pause and respond to challenges from a steadier, more balanced place.
What's happening here?
Tolle’s concept of the Inner Body is about moving your conscious energy out of your thinking brain and into your body. It takes energy to think, and if you're struggling with overthinking, anxious or intrusive thoughts, or general mental stress, your mind is diverting energy from your body to feed itself. The pipeline for this energy is your attention. Energy goes where attention flows. And placing your attention on your body, really focusing on the body and attuning with the sensation of it, deprives your over-active mind of the energy it needs to be over-active. Re-focusing on the Inner Body gives it the energy it needs to heal and be healthy, and hum with a vibrancy that is pleasant, relaxing, and at times, even blissful.
By creating a deeper connection with your Inner Body, you begin to feel more grounded and present, no matter what life throws your way. Give it a try.